Hasanah Aid





Donation Calculators

Zakat Calculator

What Is Zakat?
Zakat is the third pillar of Islam. It requires Muslims to give 2.5% of their qualifying wealth each year to help Muslims who need it across a range of categories. Zakat is both a spiritual duty and a vital part of the Islamic social welfare system.
Zakat is more than just a payment or a random act of charity. It’s a unique form of religious social welfare which benefits the whole community.
Zakat Calculator

Zakat Calculator

2023 Nisab Threshold £392.71
Value of Gold you possess
Value of Silver you possess
Cash saved for 1 full year
Value of Property/Properties you possess (other than own home)
Value of Pension (if paid out) you possess
Value of Shares/ISASs/Trusts/Crypto you possess
Value of Shares/ISASs/Trusts/Crypto you possess
Value of Money Owed (that you lent out)
Value of Mortgage payments on your own home
Value of Debts/Loans/Bills/Overdraft payments
Value of Business liabilities

What Is Zakat?
Zakat is the third pillar of Islam. It requires Muslims to give 2.5% of their qualifying wealth each year to help Muslims who need it across a range of categories. Zakat is both a spiritual duty and a vital part of the Islamic social welfare system.
Zakat is more than just a payment or a random act of charity. It’s a unique form of religious social welfare which benefits the whole community.
Zakat Calculator

Zakat Calculator

2022 Nisab Threshold £385.79
Value of Gold you possess
Value of Silver you possess
Cash saved for 1 full year
Value of Property/Properties you possess (other than own home)
Value of Pension (if paid out) you possess
Value of Shares/ISASs/Trusts/Crypto you possess
Value of Shares/ISASs/Trusts/Crypto you possess
Value of Money Owed (that you lent out)
Value of Mortgage payments on your own home
Value of Debts/Loans/Bills/Overdraft payments
Value of Business liabilities

Fidyah Calculator

What Is Fidyah?
Fidyah is a religious donation of money or food made to help those in need.
Fidyah is made for fasts missed out of necessity, where the person is unable to make up for the fast afterwards – for example, if someone cannot fast for the required number of days due to ill health, pregnancy or of extreme age (old or young).
The following reasons permit you to miss a fast and pay Fidyah:
  • Sickness in Health
  • Travel
  • Menstruation
In Ramadan, the Fidyah must be paid for each fast missed. If, however, one misses their fast due to being sick or on a journey, but will be healthy enough to make up for it, they should preferably make up for the fast at a later date, as prescribed in the Qur’an.
Fidyah Calculator

Two columns

Fidyah Calculator

Total Fidyah To Pay

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Kaffarah Calculator

What Is Kaffarah?
Kaffarah, is a religious donation of money or food made to help those in need.
Kaffarah is made for obligatory (fard) fasts missed unnecessarily – for example, if someone misses or breaks a fast in the month of Ramadan without a valid reason.
To make up for the broken fast, a person must fast continuously for 60 days. If they are unable to do that, they have to give a charitable compensation for the cost of an average meal for 60 poor people.
In the UK, the 2022 Kaffarah rate is £5 per person, amounting to £300 for each intentionally broken fast. Paying a Kaffarah is also necessary in Islam for breaking a promise or an oath.
Kaffarah Calculator

Two columns

Kaffarah Calculator

Total Kaffarah To Pay

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Fitrah Calculator

What Is Zakat Al-Fitr?
Zakat al-Fitr (Zakat of Breaking the Fast of Ramadan) or (Fitrah – short name), also known as Sadaqat al-Fitr (Charity of Breaking the Fast) or Zakat al-Fitrah (the Alms of Human Nature), is an obligatory form of alms-giving required of every able Muslim before the end of Ramadan. The purpose of Zakat al-Fitr is to enable poor people to celebrate Eid al-Fitr, the festival to break the fast of Ramadan.
This form of charity becomes mandatory from sunset on the last day of fasting and remains so until the beginning of Eid prayer (i.e. shortly after sunrise on the following day). However, it can be paid prior to this period.
The amount of Zakat is the same for everyone regardless of their income: the minimum amount is one sa` (four double handfuls) of food, grain or dried fruit for each member of the family, or an equivalent amount of money (estimated at £7 in UK 2022).
Fitrah Calculator

Two columns

Fitrah Calculator

Total Fitrah To Pay

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